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Sunday, August 1, 2010


Consists of a series of sailing, water sports and a tourist infrastructures grouped around the shores of

the mar menor, offering visitors an entire range of activities nd services at its more than 20 shoreline bases, enabling then to learn, perfect of simply enjoy sailing,,water skiing, scuba diving, motor boating, canoing, fly-surfing, windsurfing and catamaran sailing.

For scuba diving lovers theses warm water shallow watered seabeds are teeming with plant and animal life, such as the marine reserve of CABO DE PALOS-ISLAS HORMIGAS.

Scuba divers will also be captivated by the remains of a number of sunken ships.

Visitors can also enjoy a number of previously designed routes, either by sea ( in canoe, sailing boat or motor-boat) on land (bicycle, on horseback or on foot) as well as under the water.

You can also play golf at the nearby course's at the La Manga golf club resort in LOS BOLONES, AT THE mar menor golf resort IN torre pacheco, AT RODA GOLF IN SAN JAVIER OR at Sirena in Los Alcazares.

Alternatively you could discover small deserted coves where you can bath naked, visit the regional parks of calblanque and las salinas de san pedro, undergo mud-therapy treatment at the thalassotherapy centres of the la Manga and lo pagan or at the well-known mud baths at las charcas de las salinas, or discover the discover the winter beaches of SANTIAGO DE LA BIBERA, WHICH ARE PERFECTLY EQUIPPED FOR VISITORS TO ENJOY THE MILD CLIMATE THROUGHOUT THE YEAR.

The magnificent cultural delights on offer include events such as the international jazz festival, the international theater, music and dance festival, the musicas del alma cycle and the pecataminuta music festival, all of which are staged at San Javier, and Los Alcazares.

Visitors will enjoy the semana de la huerta(“ countryside week”) in august and the “ incursions berberiscas (“ berber invations”), a medieval market and series of theatrical performances.

During holy week, whilst In San Pedro you will be able to witness the fiestas of the virgen del carmen in July, with the traditional seamen's procession as well as holy week itself, both of which have been declared to be of regional tourist interest.

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