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costa calida blogger: costa calida

Saturday, August 7, 2010

costa calida

The Mar Menor used to be part of the Mediterranean. La Manga “The Sleeve”
was formed by lava, which was released due to movement in the Earth’s plates.
Did you know that Isla del Baron is named after The Baron of Benifayo who was the
first resident of the Island? He was keeping a low profile, as he had killed a
man in a duel over a princess.

The look out tower on the Island was built in the 1950’s, based on Frank Lloyd Wright’s designs (very famous modernist) much deeper at that time, as there is evidence of large ships coming into the Mar Menor. There were also a number of deep-water entry points into the Mar Menor from the Mediterranean. Since that time, the silting up of the Mar Menor and the formation of La Manga has
continued, until it is as we see it today.

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