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costa calida blogger: Air Traffic Controllers strike looks more likely in Spain

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Air Traffic Controllers strike looks more likely in Spain

Talks between the Government and the USCA union have broken down

The Ministry for Development has called on the USCA, Air Traffic Controllers Union, to accept their latest proposal for arbitration, or fix a date for their threatened strike action.

Following the failure of talks, a statement from the Ministry considered that ‘the culture of blackmail’ is trying to gain ‘priviledges’ which will damage the economic recovery and the citizens. Secretary of State for Transport, Concepción Gutiérrez, said that their rejection of an offer of 200,000 € pay was ‘an insult to the Spanish people’.

Meanwhile the union has described the Spanish Airports Authority, AENA, and the Ministry for Development as ‘irresponsible’ for not negotiating.

Latest reports indicate that a strike, if one is called, will be from August 22. The union plans to meet on Thursday when they will decide whether to accept the offer to go to arbitration, or call the strike.

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