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costa calida blogger: Warnings in Spain of danger of Forest Fires

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Warnings in Spain of danger of Forest Fires

Temperatures could reach forty degrees in Extremadura today

Civil Protection has issued a warning of the high risk of forest or wildfires in six regions of Spain.

Temperatures are reaching as high as 40 degrees in the SW of the country and the risk of fires is very high in Galicia, Andalucía, Asturias, Extremadura, Canarias and Cantabria.

Citizens have been asked not to light fires or bonfires in the mountains or on nearby land, and to take particular care if burning is used to clear crops. Care has also been called for with cigarette butts, rubbish and glass bottles which could all start fires.

If there is a fire in your region you are advised not to enter the area unless critically necessary for you to do so, and then only if you really know the land and tracks in the region.
Anyone who sees a fire is asked to call 112.

Civil Protection warns temperatures will be even higher today, Sunday, especially in Extremadura where they could reach 40 degrees in places.

Storms are forecast to move inland from today, and these will be moderate in places.

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