A whirlwind swept the coast
Five hundred people worked all day yesterday to try to restore normalcy to the town of Eagle after a severe storm downloaded more than 80 liters per square meter and also flooded beaches and Lorca Mazarrón
A large waterspout downloaded yesterday more than 80 liters per square meter in just over an hour in the town of Aguilas storm was moving toward and Mazarrón Lorca, which also caused significant damage. Heavy rains, which caught unawares by the neighbors in the absence of established any kind of warning, caused flooding in many garages, basements and shops, while there were breaks in the sewerage system, which was collapsed. About five hundred troops worked all day to try to restore normalcy in Aguilas, where the first thing in the morning the life of the village became a chaos with roads cut and cars piled up on the edge of the wadi. Moved to the area Emergency Military Unit and the helicopter base in Sewer Air Rescue Group of the Consortium for Fire Fighting and Rescue. The force of the water as it passes along the Ramblas de Las Culebras, El Charco and Calabardina, made the cars were washed away to the sea and, after checking that there were people inside, at about 1930 hours an team of the Emergency Military Unit (UME), together with various local emergency staff, carried out work of a revival of cars, local sources said, who stressed that the mayor was in contact during the day yesterday with the Minister Industry, Miguel Sebastian, who is these days in Murcia. In addition, the Council has enabled phones citizen information 968 968 41 88 45 41 88 27 for those who have to resolve any questions.
From morning traffic were cut six regional road network due to heavy rains, although late in the afternoon, the Ministry of Public Works and Land Management reported that all had been opened and that the special road safety device will continue until Thursday, a day which is expected to remit the heavy rains that are affecting especially Guadalentín Valley. The brigades of the general direction of road signposted all those sections where the movement was difficult for drivers to take precautions, said the regional government. In the EMU Eagles worked yesterday moved to 77 people and 32 vehicles to fire engines, machines mixed minimáquinas, ambulance, nurses, generator, among others. Thus, the government delegate, Rafael González Tovar, said troops were expected to stay overnight in a sports stadium Eagles prepared for that purpose, in order to continue its work in today. González Tovar noted that among the tasks assigned to the UME is in this speech are the bilge water and sludge, clear communication pathways, removal of obstacles, and vehicle recovery in streams and beaches.
Eagles Red Cross also launched a special device from 7.30 hours before the heavy rains in the city. From the early hours of the morning the local Red Cross coordinator, Miguel Angel Gallego Molina, activated several roadblocks of volunteers and Red Cross medical team attached to the Plan Copla, with the expectation that it is necessary to use the search and rescue vehicles . In addition, the health service manager 061, Jose Antonio Alvarez told an OPINION that displaced mobile ICU to the hospital in Lorca, Eagles and a HEU to another SUV Mazarrón and an ambulance in case it was necessary to attend to some wounded.
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