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costa calida blogger: Summer drink/driving controls

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Summer drink/driving controls

The local police force in Cartagena has initiated another crackdown campaign against drink/driving. From August 12th till August 18th local police officers will be setting up 21 new control points with the aim of breathalysing as many drivers as possible. The new controls will take place in the mornings, afternoons, evenings and during the night. This latest campaign joins previous crackdowns forming part of the scheduled 1,000 controls for July and August. The controls will be placed in busy coastal areas at the entrance to La Manga, at the entrance to Cabo de Palos, in Mar de Cristal and in various places in and around Cartagena.
The local police have issued a list of where the controls will be in Cartagena. The breathalysing stations will be set up on Calle Trafalgar, Calle Juan Fernández, Vereda de San Félix, San Juan Bosco, Príncipe de Asturias, Polígono Cabezo Beaza, Polígono Santa Ana, Calle Recoletos, Ronda Ferroll, Peroniño, Calle Ángel Bruna, Carretera de Canteras, Plaza Severo Ochoa, Avenida La Española, Travesía San José Obrero, Salida de Canteras, Trovero Marín, Avenida de América, Plaza México, Esparta and Reina Victoria.

Police officers are aiming to raise the public's awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving with the intention of hopefully reducing the number of accidents caused by drunk drivers. The fines for drink driving can be as high as €1800 and convictions can carry a short stay in prison in addition to the loss of points from a driver's licence. Police officers in other municipalities such as Mazarrón, Los Alcázares, San Javier and Torre Pacheco will also be conducting drink driving tests.

So remember, if you are going out for a few drinks, walk, take a taxi, catch the bus, designate a driver or run the risk of being fined and losing your licence.

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