We only know one thing for sure : that someone did not want it . And he could not think how best to let them know that by putting three bullets in the chest. Some sources pointed to even a fourth shot , apparently that of grace, in the neck. The rest are , at present , uncertainties regarding which research should be providing some light. Although it seems that this will be easy.
The body of deceased was found at nine thirty in the morning on a dirt road next to a terrace , near the road connecting the hamlet of Los Belones cartagenera the luxurious Hyatt La Manga Club resort . The corpse, in the supine position ( lying on his back on the ground, said a Christian ) was behind a row of cypress trees and near a cemetery , circumstances that have enough of both symbolic and even literary, but the owner land , who first encountered the early bird gift, not a metaphor inspired the matter , nor in verse or in prose.
Fairly hit upon the man had phoned the emergency services and matching to explain to the operator the exact spot where the deceased was : a place known as Atamaría which, needless to say , soon to fill the judicial police of the Guardia Civil As well as members of the judicial commission , a funeral service van and an ambulance with a doctor in charge, which was soon convinced that his presence was sadly unnecessary.
A hundred feet of the body he perceived the modest presence of a red Fiat Panda , which had opened the passenger window and put the keys kept , a fact that suggests that the driver abandoned the vehicle abruptly. In addition , tuition Italian ( CJ277VZ Province CO) suspicion that the deceased might have that nationality , which was ratified shortly after the documentation which carried the victim. Although the accuracy was finally removed , in determining the identity contained in the documents was false. In all these circumstances, the researchers obtained a first conclusion : the Italian is apparently dead , although living under a fabricated identity , and this suggests further that was engaged in illegal activities. The way it was executed, clearly cutting mobster adds further evidence to the theory that it is a reckoning.
The disposition of the body and the vehicle, which was thoroughly examined for any trace or evidence, indicated the victim , about 35 years , could have reached the site accompanied by others , perhaps traveling in a car and being aware that they intended to kill him, had impelled him to start a fast escape in the direction of the road. He must be reached before stepping on the asphalt, and his pursuer forcible unlocking him three shots in the chest at close range, with a small caliber weapon .
In the hands of the coroner
The body was taken to the Institute of Legal Medicine of Cartagena , where the coroner who was on duty yesterday performed the autopsy. The results of that were not disclosed , although it was clear to researchers that the cause of stillbirth was responding to the harmful effects caused by bullets in several vital organs. The tricky part now is to find who pulled the trigger.
The judge said the secrecy of the proceedings.
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