The Executive Committee of the Union of Air Traffic Controllers Association (USCA) has decided on Tuesday, after more than three hours of meeting and "unanimously" not exercise the right to strike during August, as announced by Secretary of Communication of the union, César Cabo. Following the Committee's decision, AENA has called the union to resume talks this Wednesday afternoon. The discontinuation of the strike was one of the conditions provided by AENA to continue negotiations after the breakdown of these last Friday. Again, we understand the concern of the tourism industry and many passengers, Cape added that this decision has taken to not harm an important sector for the Spanish economy as tourism, or to passengers. The executive committee has decided "not to exercise the legal right to strike in August, demonstrating an exercise of responsibility" to understand that the government will "push AENA to resume negotiations," he said.
"Once again we understand the concern in the tourism sector and many passengers," stressed Cape, which has been suggested that the union now expects AENA return to the negotiating table with "a constructive attitude now own. The Executive Committee composed of nine drivers, which are those that have made the decision, although talks have also involved three members of the Board and more workers without the right to vote.
The Executive Committee meeting, scheduled for next Thursday, was brought forward two days, as drivers, to alleviate the uncertainty that have reported both the Ministry of Development and AENA, such as tourism and airlines.
Pointed out moments before the meeting that the decision to come out of this Committee would be final and valid and I would not have to go through an endorsement of the Assembly of drivers. With this decision is postponed a possible strike call, mandate that was given on 3 August when a vote in the assembly of drivers, 98.25% were in favor of calling a strike.
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