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costa calida blogger: where to go in murcia

Sunday, July 25, 2010

where to go in murcia

Where to visit and what to do in Murcia city

* Walk: Murcia is the perfect city for strolling around (and a terrible one to drive in, with very complicated one-way systems and crowded carparks). Everything worth seeing is within walking distance. The most famous commercial streets are Trapería, Platería and la Avda. Alfonso X el Sabio. The Paseo del Malecón near the River Segura is also a pleasant walk out of the city and then back again.

* Murcia Cathedral: The cathedral proudly presides the Cardenal Belluga Square. It is a masterpeice from the Spanish Barroque period. The Episcopal Palace (18th century) is also located in the square. (see photo of the Cathedral of Murcia and the Episcopal Palace).

* Casino del XIX: A Murcian institution in the Trapería - its ballroom is decorated in the style of Luis 15th.

* Churches, Convents: Santa Ana church, San Andrés church, San Miguel church. San Nicolás church; San Juan de Dios church and museum, Las Agustinas monastery is just 5km away. Nuestra Sra. de la Fuensanta sanctuary (great views of the city).

* Museums: the Cathedral museum, the Science museum, the City museum, The Religious Art museum (Museo de la Sangre - located in the Iglesia del Carmen), the Archeological museum, The Bellas Artes Museum, Salzillo museum, the Bullfighting museum.

* The Murcian market-garden - very attractive scenery, Las Ruedas medievales de la Ñora are worth a visit in the nearby village of Alcantarilla

* The Roman theatre (1826) still in use.

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