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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Festivities in Murcia Cartagena Semana Santa

Declarada de Interés Turístico Internacional

Cartagena lives its Passion Week with such abandon that it rubs off onto locals and outsiders alike. The Confraternities of Marrajos and Californios are proud of their secular past, and their early-morning processions are marked by the perfect synchrony of the cortèges, the sumptuousness of the robes, and the quality of the carved images, produced in the finest workshops. Both confraternities stage a number of processions over the seven days, among which the most striking are on Holy Wednesday (Californios) and the encounter on early Friday morning between the Christ of the Fishermen and his mother, the Virgin Mary, in the Plaza del Lago (Marrajos). On the Friday before Easter the Confraternity of Christ our Helper (Cristo del Socorro) bring out their image of the same name from the Old Cathedral of Santa María.

Declared of National Tourist Interest

Dates to be held: From the 01st to the 08th of april

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