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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Festivities in Murcia Caravaca de la Cruz

Fiestas de la Santísima y Vera Cruz

Declarada de Interés Turístico Internacional

This festival commemorates the appearance, in the 13th century, of the Holy Cross in the ancient fortress of Moorish king Abu-Zayt. The first day begins with a Reveille, in which there is no shortage of gunpowder, and this is followed by the big day of the fiestas with parades of Moors and Christians and the running of the Wine Horses (Caballos del Vino) up the castle ramp laden with heavy hogsheads of wine and richly embroidered mantles. Also celebrated is the Bathing of the Cross (Baño de la Cruz) in the baroque shrine, in memory of the miracle of 1384 when the holy waters ended a plague of locusts.

Declared of International Tourist Interest

Dates to be held: From the 01st to the 05th of may

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