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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Festivities in Murcia Águilas Carnavales Declarada de Interés Turístico Nacional

Although parades continue until Shrove Tuesday, the big day is Sunday, when the carnival groups (comparsas) present their new costumes. That same night is when the peñas open, carnival associations where for three days food, drink and good humour will be the order of the day. The Saturday before Quinquagesima Sunday is the pregón, or proclamation, together with a paper costume competition. Also on the Saturday is the speech that takes place between Don Carnal (Mr Carnal) and Doña Cuaresma (Ms Lent), which ends, inevitably, in a battle of confetti-filled eggs.

Declared of National Tourist Interest

Dates to be held: From the 10th to the 24th of february

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