The region is located in the eastern part of the Cordilleras Béticas mountains and it is influenced by their orthography. These mountain ranges are divided as well in the Prebética, Subbética and Penibética mountain ranges (from north to the south).
Sierra de las Moreas

Traditionally it has been considered that the peak of Revolcadores, pertaining to the bulk of the same name, was the highest point in the Region of Murcia, with a height of 2,027 meters; but in measurements of the most recent maps of the SNIG (National Service of Geographic Information of Spain), Revolcadores appears with a height of 1,999 m, and there is a mountain slightly further north of a similar altitude which is more elevated Los Obispos (The Bishops), with an altitude of 2,015 m.
Approximately 27% of the Murcian territory can be described as mountainous, 38% as intramountainous depressions and running valleys, and the remaining 35% as flat lands and plateaux.
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